By means of this investigative tool, 301 cases of serious crimes were systematized as recounted in 268 recommendations issued by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) between 1 December 2006 and 30 June 2019. A total of 1,712 victims were identified, of whom 1,195 were tortured, murdered and/or forcibly disappeared; the rest were victims of arbitrary detention or property rights violations as a result of theft or damage to their homes incurred during their detention or that of their families.
It should be noted that the recommendations are public documents containing facts investigated and verified by the CNDH and which are considered to be true; thus, they are not disputed by the institutions identified as responsible, since by accepting these recommendations, the findings, conclusions, and attribution of institutional responsibility for the events are thereby acknowledged. From December 1, 2006 to June 30, 2019, the CNDH issued 999 recommendations, 21 of which were published as “serious violations.” Upon reading and analyzing the recommendations in their entirety, it was concluded that an additional 2473 recommendations should be added to these 21, since they describe
cases containing sufficient elements to be considered serious crimes committed or sponsored by the state apparatus. For this reason, when we mention recommendations which register cases of serious human rights violations, we are referring to the recommendations compiled as a result of CMDPDH’s reassessment and analysis; in other words, 268 recommendations in total.