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Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

por | Abr 20, 2016 | Incidencia

28th regular session of the Human Rights Council

The Mexican Commission for the Defence and Promotion of Human Rights wants to draw the Council and the Special Rapporteur’s attention to the situation of the forced internally displaced people in Mexico, who are a minority group who face extreme vulnerability in various states of the country.

In the last 9 years, generalized and prolonged violence perpetrated by organized crime and armed forces, corruption, impunity and human rights violations, have been the principal causes of the forced internal displacement.

This phenomenon affects the society as a whole, but particularly to older persons, women, children, indigenous peoples, and the poor. The situation is alarming, the individuals and families who flee their homes after receiving escalating threats, insecurity or human rights violations, do not receive any kind of protection or assistance from the government. Therefore, they are victims of a progressive degradation of their dignity and of violations to their social, economic, civil, political and cultural rights.

We have registered that during 2001 and 2015, more than 281 thousand people have been forced to internally displace in different states in the country. A third of this people correspond to 141 cases of massive displacements that have been registered in 14 states of the 32 states of the country.

It is compelling that the Mexican government acknowledges that forced internal displacement is a phenomenon that requires an objective quantification as well as effective measures in order to protect the people that have been forced to flee their homes due to violence and human rights violations. The government must develop an appropriate framework, in a conceptual, legal and institutional level, to investigate to full extent this phenomenon and to provide protection and assistance for those forcibly displaced.

We call the Special Rapporteur on minority issues to consider a visit to the country in order to contribute with recommendations that enable the fully and effective enjoyment of this group’s rights.

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